Located in Atlanta, GA &
Operating Everywhere Online
Call Evan: (858) 500-2275
Located in Atlanta, GA &
Operating Around the Globe
If you would like to learn the value of Executive ADHD Coaching,
contact us today to set up a complimentary consultation.
"Thanks Evan's deep understanding of ADHD and intuitive approach, I feel like I have regained a strong sense of inner trust and self-reliance, and I am learning to live up to my potential on a daily basis. He was insightful and also knew when to talk and when to listen. We worked on self discipline of practicing music, work and diet. I enjoyed our sessions and have benefited from them."
- Andrew C. Marketing Genius, NYC
"I liked that Evan's ability to be flexible and that he doesn’t only think of time and money. He truly cares and is able to open up about himself as well. He understands personality types and his intuition is stellar."
"I can speak freely with Evan without judgment and he is always in my corner no matter what."
- Dr. Neha, NYC
"The best parts about working with Evan was his humor, and his introduction to new ideas and resources I had never before considered (Toastmasters, Tony Robbins, studying greats and breaking them down to steal from them aka Austin Kleon) I also liked that you could often sense when I was ready to move on from something without me having to say so.
His interests aligned with what I was looking for (entrepreneurship), your personality was one that I thought was a good fit (firm and supportive), and had the experience/credentials I was looking for.
The most important thing people should know about working with Evan is that he doesn’t judge, he is a resource and idea machine! He is a reactive force and it is the client’s job to take ownership."
- Kristen C, Entrepreneur in Action, Brookline, MA
"I can't recommend Evan more as a life coach. I came to him because I was dissatisfied with work and life. Together we laid out the steps I should take to start a new career as a programmer. Thanks to structure and his advice I was able to take all the necessary steps to switch career tracks. We also worked on ways balance my life which helped me to feel altogether happier and in control. I recommend Evan to anyone in their 20's looking for a way to get their life started."
- Evan D, Programmer, Texas
"I found Evan’s coaching service to be helpful in my job search. In my situation, I felt completely stuck. Evan helped get me "un-stuck" by asking all the right questions allowing me to come to the conclusion on my own time and in my own way. He watched me go through all the iterations of, "do I want this?" "is this right for me?" "whose interest am I serving here?" until I was finally able to conclude it was time to move on.
When it came time to apply, I got excellent coaching on my resume and cover letter as well as my approach to the search. I even felt confident enough to cold-call some employers and eventually took a job with one of those who wasn't advertising an open position but just happened to be looking.
Evan has an easy personal communication style. After the initial awkwardness that comes with bearing your fears to someone you barely know, he quickly became a trusted adviser. I have ADHD, and need structure and deadlines to keep me accountable. Sometimes, I bristle at this structure and deadlines and push back. But Evan never let me forget that I am ultimately holding myself accountable to myself. Setting deadlines and creating structure just became a part of our regular discussions. That was immensely helpful! Most importantly, Evan was able to meet me where I am mentally and emotionally until we could walk together toward my goals.
You can probably tell that I'm a fan. I would recommend him to friends and colleagues, especially those looking to make a change and want to put their best foot forward, be it personal or professionally."
- Emily C., Veterinarian, San Diego, CA
"I came to Evan when I had so much pressure to perform at work, that I didn't know if I was going to survive my next project. The stress gave me my first ulcer. After working with Evan for only 4 months, I have learned how my strengths in energy and perseverance can overcome my weaknesses that come from my ADD.
Evan helped me acknowledge my true obstacles, create systems to prevent procrastination and found ways to separate the demands of work, from the need to care for myself. I am now more productive and I feel less stress at the same time."
- Kevin H, Internet Marketing Wizard, San Marcos, CA
"I didn't have any hesitation because another client that I trusted had such good things to say about Evan. Since working with Evan I have made leaps and bounds in my personal life and my confidence. I have learned to embrace who I am and take ownership of my dreams. Most importantly, I was able to identify the largest obstacle that has been holding me back in my life as well as learn tools to overcome it.
I liked that Evan listened and really heard the heart of what I was trying to say even though I didn't always have the best words to describe what I was going through. He had great resources to share with me that really applied to my questions. He is firm and won't let you off the hook - and that is good. I really loved the writing assignments that he gave me and feel like these really helped me to grow leaps and bounds. I would recommend Evan's services to anyone who is feeling stuck in their life but really wants to find ways to grow.
I think that my time with Evan was instrumental in my current growth. When I started I felt so lost and unsure as a creative person. Now I not only feel more confident but empowered to use my tools for dealing with the future."
- Dija H, Actress/Producer/Entrepreneur, Indiana
"My ADD coaching began with Evan In October of 2014. I run a full time, or shall I say overtime, Real Estate business. I have 3 children and my husband travels for work. I knew there was a better way to handle parenting at home, and tools to have better results with the kids. I just absolutely did not know how to do it! I felt helpless and overwhelmed and resorted to all the old school techniques that don't always work.
My son was diagnosed with ADD in 2013 at the age of 7. Evan help me from emotional reactions to confident parenting. He has taught me skill such as games to play with kids, systems for consequences and rewards, discipline without the drama.
The most amazing part about it is that I have grown. He has taught me to be the one in control versus the kids controlling me and my emotions. What is even better is that I have been able to identify the inconsistencies in my family dynamics, which previously caused the drama and have been able to make corrections because of that guidance.
Evan has helped me in so many ways. I am forever grateful for that."
- Bianca M, Realtor, Chula Vista, CA
Evan is my first recommendation for a coaching referral. Without a doubt, our time together was exactly what I needed. He was able to relate to situations and label the experience, providing a clear reality of how ADHD hinders my situation. Most of all, he could “call me out on what I’m doing” using observation without making me feel like I was doing something wrong. The validation of my symptoms were really powerful.
I developed new skill sets, I am able to communicate my needs more directly, and secure time to manage myself more effectively. I have implemented a system that I actually keep up with - something that has never stuck until I’ve worked with Evan.
Through our sessions, I have gained an even greater level of productivity. I now keep the momentum to work on the habit and lifestyle changes that I need to apply to fully embrace my ADHD instead of having to cope with it.
- Rob Henson, Agile Coach / Sr. Leadership Team
We’re only a phone call away! Call 858-500-2275 and let us know how we can help.