Learn More About Progressive Growth Coaching & Evan Kirstein in Atlanta, GA

Authority on ADHD

  • Host, Keynote Speaker, and  Trainer for corporations, conferences, and events.
  • Featured expert in industry publications and podcasts.
  • Certified ADHD Coach since 2014

Public and Private Educator

  • 10+ Years educating populations spanning from adults, special needs, alternative and private education
  • Director of education based company

Leadership in Coaching

  • Professional Certified Coach (PCC) by ICF
  • Certified ADHD Coach Practitioner (CACP) by PAAC
  • Certified Mentor Coach (CMC)
  • ADHD Coaches Organization (ACO) Former Board Member
  • Certified Hogan Assessments



  • Coaches Professionals, Executives, and Entrepreneurs with ADHD Symptoms
  • Public Speaker, Panelist, Host and Presenter
  • Diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder in the 3rd Grade
  • Educator from 2001 to 2014
  • B.A. Psychology, Masters in Education
  • Former Director of an education specialty company 
  • Former ADHD Coaches Organization (ACO) Membership Committee Chair
  • PCC, Professional Certified Coach by the ICF
  • CEC, Certified Executive Coach
  • CACP, Certified ADHD Coach Practitioner by the PAAC, Professional Association of ADHD Coaching
  • Hogan Assessment Certified
  • ADHD coaching from Atlanta, Georgia to anywhere with a connection

"We learn best when running towards our goals rather than away from consequences"

In coaching, one writes the story of one's life from the present moment. The author realizes that the journey with ADHD is always beginning and to maintain a positive momentum they must master the art of failure and resilience . 

How Experience Established My Role as an ADHD Coach

After graduating from The Ohio State University with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, I moved to San Diego where I earned a Master's Degree in Education at Alliant University. At that time, I earned a California Teaching Credential and devoted my professional career to creating success in academic, psychological, and behavioral education. I have developed a practice to leverage a growth mindset while challenging self-development barriers. Together, we take action on ambitions, motivations, and visions by co-creating qualitative and quantitative goals.

Currently, I coach and consult Executives, Partners, and Professionals from New York City to Atlanta, Georgia. I work with all types of clients. And though not all of my clients have ADD/ADHD, I employ all the learning from the human condition in my coaching services.

Because I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was young, I've had the opportunity to establish a rare perspective of its many challenges and unique ADHD learning process.  With the help of tutors, coaches, and mentors, I have learned to educate and advocate for myself. Throughout my educational and professional experience, I have had the opportunity to develop a thorough understanding of the services necessary to support those affected with ADHD. 

And I continue to learn still...

We learn best when running towards our goals rather than away from consequences. In coaching, one writes the story of one's life from the present moment. The author realizes that the journey with ADHD is always beginning and that they must learn resilience to maintain a positive momentum. With a dash of humor, a handful of vulnerability, and pounds of perspiration, the hero overcomes!

If you want to learn about coaching through a complimentary consultation, please contact me for more information.

Mission of Progressive Growth Coaching

Although the United States is at the height of diagnosing ADHD, a large population hides under the radar and will not receive the appropriate treatments. Without awareness, this population will continue overpopulating prisons, increasing the rising divorce rate and addiction statistics. Evan is driven to create awareness, intervention, and empowerment for this community to reach their potential and ownership to those who face the shame of living with ADHD.

Service Above All

From his diverse teaching experience, Evan can command the attention of a room with an authentic, passionate and warm demeanor that guides his audience through any lesson or journey. He understands that his audience deserves respect, and provides them with unwavering honesty while creating a safe learning environment. 

Service above all

Commitment to Growth

In the Winter of 2014, Evan established a practice to leverage a growth mindset while progressing the barriers of self-development. Evan has committed his energy to advancing ADHD Coaching as a profession and awareness of this “invisible” learning disability.

Connectivity and Service

Having been diagnosed in grade school, Evan’s approach is centered on authenticity, empathy, and a passion for inspiring change through deep awareness, personal ownership, and empowerment. With his amazing personal story of overcoming failures within a toxic environment, he’s developed a thorough understanding of what is necessary to support those affected with ADHD - including their families.

My Story

How Experience Established My Role as an ADHD Coach

After graduating from The Ohio State University with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, I moved to San Diego. I earned a Master's Degree in Education at Alliant University. At that time, I earned a California Teaching Credential and devoted my professional career to creating success in academic, psychological, and behavioral education. 

Currently, I coach and consult Executives, Partners, and Professionals from New York City to Atlanta, Georgia. I work with all types of clients. And though not all of my clients have ADD/ADHD, I employ all the learning from the human condition in my coaching services.

Evan Kirstein - Atlanta, GA - Progressive Growth Coaching

I have developed a practice to leverage a growth mindset while challenging self-development barriers. Together, we take action on ambitions, motivations, and visions by co-creating qualitative and quantitative goals.

Because I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was young, I've had the opportunity to establish a rare perspective of its many challenges and unique ADHD learning process.

With the help of tutors, coaches, and mentors, I have learned to educate and advocate for myself. Throughout my educational and professional experience, I have had the opportunity to develop a thorough understanding of the services necessary to support those affected with ADHD. 

And I continue to learn still...

We learn best when running towards our goals rather than away from consequences. In coaching, one writes the story of one's life from the present moment. The author realizes that the journey with ADHD is always beginning and that they must learn resilience to maintain a positive momentum. With a dash of humor, a handful of vulnerability, and pounds of perspiration, the hero overcomes!

If you want to learn about coaching through a complimentary consultation, please contact me for more information.

We’d love to hear from you! Call us at 858-500-2275.

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