Hire Progressive Growth Coaching for DEI Training & Workshops

Motivating and Educating Leadership Teams, Companies and Communities

Keynote Topics

How do we motivate those ADHD minds to succeed? What environments and duties can they excel at? How do we set up our company for success when employing those with this background? Your ADHD career coach can help your team create positive habits and build skills for efficiency and effectiveness.

Coming out as ADHD

Accepting the new self, working the grieving process, and leverage support systems

You Won’t Find Grit, You Choose It

Our hardships create opportunity, your soul decides how it affects your future

The Secret to Your Mental Health

Balance equals boundaries, how to book time for yourself 

The story of you

Breaking limiting beliefs,

the burden of history, 

And extend new boundaries

Overcoming ADHD in the Workplace

How to work with…

My Colleague

My Boss

My Employees

My Self!

Whose Burden is This?

Defining ownership, 

developing boundaries 

and ditching the ego

ADHD and Entrepreneurs

The relationship that was meant to be! 

Keynote Topics

How do we motivate those ADHD minds to succeed? What environments and duties can they excel at? How do we set up our company for success when employing those with this background? Your ADHD career coach can help your team create positive habits and build skills for efficiency and effectiveness.

Coming out as ADHD

Accepting the new self, working the grieving process, and leverage support systems

You Won’t Find Grit, You Choose It

Our hardships create opportunity, your soul decides how it affects your future

The Secret to Your Mental Health

Balance equals boundaries, how to book time for yourself 

The story of you

Breaking limiting beliefs,

the burden of history, 

And extend new boundaries

Overcoming ADHD in the Workplace

How to work with…

My Colleague

My Boss

My Employees

My Self!

Whose Burden is This?

Defining ownership, 

developing boundaries 

and ditching the ego

ADHD and Entrepreneurs

The relationship that was meant to be! 

Trainings, Workshops, Events

Are you seeking a professional to attend large group and management team events as a panelist, educator, and speaker?

We provide:

  • Introduction to ADHD and other Neurodiverse perspectives
  • Management  trainings on communication, leadership and safety
  • Key note presentations, Workshops, Lunch and Learns, Virtual and In-person
  • Small group facilitations, SWOT, GAP, Goal setting, Assessments, Development and Performance Improvement Planning.

Team Building

It’s all about relationships. 

Most don’t realize that when an associate with ADHD has an authentic love for another, they will wholly give themselves to them, with absolute trust, hyper-focus, follow-through, and an eagerness to engage fully. 

Whether this relationship is between you and your business partner, spouse, superior, or, most importantly, yourself, this is the basis for a healthy mental state and working relationship. Team coaching will repair relationships, re-establish trust, and create a path for self-development.

Unbalanced teams are not uncommon. Create an intervention today.

Lets talk about your DEI Training or Workshop Today. Simply call 858-500-2275.

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